
Welcome to your 'No More Messing About' Era

Welcome to your ‘No More Messing About’ Era

Hi, I’m Abi Sea and if you’re on this page I know you’re tired of being the one holding things up in your business success (because I’ve been there too).

I’ve helped hundreds of coaches and creative service providers market their business and make sales from a place of integrity. I know it’s possible to do that, because I do it every day in my own business, and in my clients.

Using my X-ray Messaging method, I work with clients to get confident, clear messaging once and for all, and I offer done-for-you content and writing services. I’m here for the quietly ambitious, frustrated business owners like you who are ready to step your ‘not messaging about’ era so you can promote your business, get more clients, make more sales and love the way all of that feels.

You’ve tried everything to figure this shiz out


Joined the memberships, bought the courses, read the books (well, half-read the books). You’ve been all around the world to get to the events and… you still can’t find your baby* the right words to talk about your work, or how you help people.


This isn’t a YOU problem…


It’s a messaging problem. And the good news is it’s easy to sort.

So don’t you worry. Search no more, because your messaging is already with you, you just need someone to shine a light on it and bring it out in the open.


That’s X-ray Messaging for you – the method I use to help people attract clients and make sales without sounding like everybody else.


“Once you have clear, confident messaging – everything else in your business gets easier”.






*A little Lisa Stansfield joke there for my Gen X peeps!



6) I tried to cure my fear of flying by doing a solo parachute jump. I broke my arm on the way out of the plane and landed 10 square miles away from the landing spot, face down in a cornfield. Weirdly, I’m no longer scared of flying.

7) I co-host the annual event Adventures in Marketing – Scotland’s most (in)credible business and marketing event event for bold, bright and ambitious business owners. Grab a ticket and let’s meet in real life!

8) My favourite internet quote is ‘I’m not afraid to be seen trying’, and I have a mantra for the work I do: ‘Effort with sincerity’. Both keep me focused on the next right step and staying true to myself.

9) I love, love, LOVE Prince. If a song of his comes on the radio while we’re eating tea I declare a dance break and we stop eating to strut our tiny, purple thangs while it’s on.

10) In a life-or-death situation I’d pick: lochs over sea, cheese over chocolate and sunsets over sunrises (but I’d rather have them all, thank you very much).