Slay Copy

Feeling threatened by the amount of copy you need to write? Chop through it with one swift phone call to me.

Slay Copy

Be the hero in your own business

Let me be your sword weilding copywriting sidekick

Book me to write…

I’m a marketing copywriter, and I have a talent for writing conversational, sometimes funny, informal writing.

When you book me to write for you, I’ll be writing in your voice, not mine. But if you choose me to write for you, it would make sense if your overall tone is conversational and informal, too.

So – what can I write for you? Here’s a short list of things I love to write (that you probably can’t see far enough):

Lead magnets, work books, web pages, emails and email sequences, landing pages, podcast show notes, sales pages, leaflets, brochures, guides, scripts for podcasts, videos, courses, non-fiction books and e-books.

And an even shorter list of things I don’t write (but know someone who can):

Blogs. White papers. Anything technical, financial, medical.

Love it, I need your help Abi
Costs & time that suit you

I have packages that fit around your business needs and budgets.

You can use Slay Copy for one-off, quick fire projects or big, meaty bruisers.

If you don’t see a package that fits exactly, don’t worry – my day rates and monthly retainer options might be a better fit. Get in touch and we can work something out.

And yes, I’m still writing launch copy if that’s what you’re looking for, I still absolutely love writing for launches.

For all prices and packages, click on the link below.

View all copy packages here
Monthly retainers for the win!

Quick facts: I’m a qualified writer, with over 25 years experience in sales, marketing, comms and event planning. I’ve been in business for myself since 2015 (full time since 2019). I’ve helped over 100 clients launch offers and market their business.

This isn’t a brag, it’s a bonus.

I’ve got a big, gorgeous list of skills and experience that come as a perky add-on when you choose to work with me as your copywriter.

Sure, we’ll work together on a copy based retainer, but I’m a sucker for joined-up-thinking. I will always look for opportunites and potential in your business, with your copy and content, because I’ve got a knack for seeing things like that.

Obviously, if you just need a keyboard clacker, I am good for that. But I’m so much more, too, if you need it.

Monthly retainers start at £500 per month for minimum 6 months, and are built around you and your needs.

What do you think?

Let’s talk about what you need

Want some extra inspiration?

I write a weekly email with news, ideas and resources to help you make better connections with people. I write from the heart, and I always try to make it useful and funny. Join up and see for yourself.