Amped-Up Audits

Turn the voltage up on your existing website and attract new clients with your shining light

Amped-Up Audits

Has your website lost its shine?

Let’s get it back on track and working as hard as you do

What’s an Amped-Up Audit?

I’ve given it a jazzy name because as projects go, I know that ‘audits’, ‘reviews’ and ‘recommendations’ sound boring as all hell.

But they are valuable and insightful, and save you bags of cash.

Designed to catch all the parts of your web copy that don’t show you in the best light, and highlight the parts that really do.

I’ll give a detailed account of up to five pages and create an easy-to-understand (and action) account of how to improve each page.

Get in contact
Who it’s for

Business owners who have had a website for a few years.

You’ve been tinkering away at your website for a while, it’s possibly in maintenance mode, you’re sick of looking at it!

I don’t believe in starting from scratch if you don’t have to, so if you have the bones of your site, this audit is ideal for you.

Amped-up Audits are a brilliant way to see what’s working for you, and what improvements can be made to get your website working harder, and smarter, than it is now.

This is me!
How it works

In the review, I’ll be looking at things like:

* The overall message and how easy it is for your ideal customers to ‘get’ what you do so they can figure out what’s in it for them;

* Tone of voice, language and content so each page is consistently giving clear direction and saying exactly what it needs to for the visitor;

* The buyer’s journey – making sure your reader is taken on a positive journey through the website and on to booking your services, buying something or joining your mailing list.

I’ve got questions
What’s the cost?

This is for a website . copy review of up to 5 pages and costs £550. The review will include:

* A detailed report with recommendations, advice and suggestions to improve the quality of each page of your site

*A spreadsheet task list to keep you organised

* Top-level SEO tasks. If you need more detailed SEO support, I can bring in a colleague (this will incur extra costs)

* A video walk & talk through on each page to give context to my recommendations

* A 30-minute Q&A once you’ve made the changes and want some reassurance/feedback.

Ready to chat?