Just how social is your social?
When it comes to your businessy social media ‘stuff’ (technical term) – do you avoid doing it? Have you decided it’s just not for you? Or maybe you give yourself a hard time because you know what you should be doing and yet you don’t do them?
No judgements, here.
I used to believe that when it comes to the world of social media, you’re either good at it, or you’re not.
And if you’re not, then ignoring it and doing the virtual equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and singing ‘la-la-la-la-la’ is as good an idea as any.
Can you relate to any (or all) of this?
Then let me kick this whole thing off by saying:

If I’m honest, I’ve been hiding behind the belief that you’re either good at it, or you’re not for too long.
I’ve taken too many courses, read too many books and worked with too many clients to ignore this one simple fact any longer:
Practice makes…improvement
You’ll notice I didn’t say ‘practice makes perfect’. I hate that phrase – like perfect is something to achieve. Hah.
I believe the more you do something, the better you get at it. There was once a time I couldn’t write blog articles…and look at me go!
Let’s get better at social media! YAS!
So if it’s true of almost everything in the world – how can it not be true for improving your social media performance?
Come on, answer me! Exactly, my friend.
You can get better. I can get better. We can all get better…
…if we really want to.
Wait a minute! Why should I take advice from a self-confessed social media slacker?
It’s a fair point, well made.
In the nearly-two years I’ve worked for myself I’ve managed to scrape together just:
270 followers on Instagram*
250 on Facebook
And in the interest of clarity – at least half of them are my friends and family (thank you, loves).
So, no. On paper, I’m in no position to tell you what to do. And yet… you know I’m going to, don’t you?
WWAD? (What Would Abi Do?)
First, I thought about where I was going wrong (turns out folding your arms and shouting ‘I don’t want to’ gets you nowhere).
Then I worked on some ideas to get moving. I whittled it down to three things – which I’m sharing with you now. Lucky you!
Tip #1: Rake mercilessly over your mistakes
Ooft. Dig around for the crap that’s holding you back. In my case, there were plenty. But I broke them down to 3. Let’s say these Big Three have been holding me back from living my best social media life.
You know when you bail on a post halfway through? You’re doing fine and then an ANNOYING voice in your head says ‘what the hell are you talking about? Who really cares?’ or ‘ooh, look at you trying to act all big and special’.
You know the voice I mean.
Before you know it you’ve deleted everything and eaten another 3 biscuits. No? Just me?
Solution: Just get over yourself. DO IT. Even if writing one post takes (what feels like) 20 years. You’re get better at it!
Do it, do it, do it! Dammit.
Perfectionism / Procrastination
Did you know that procrastination is our brain’s way of protecting us from stress? And, that perfectionism is another form of procrastination?
So, if social media is not your thing, then it’s likely you’ll procrastinate without even realising.
For me, I procrastinate by over-editing.
It’s easier to edit than to write (right?) So, I’ll edit every couple of sentences. I’ll chop out whole phrases and sentiments. Nothing is safe. The trouble is I take out all the good stuff and then I overthink it. And round and round we go.
Solution: Just get over yourself. DO IT! You’ll get better at it. etc. etc.
Tip #2: Indulge in saucy fantasies (not really)
When I properly thought about it, I realised ‘hating social media’ has been bravado. I don’t hate it. In fact, I have got a bit of a fantasy about it.
STOP WIGGLING YOUR EYEBROWS, it’s not that kind of fantasy.
When I allow myself to dream, I’ve got an amazing social media presence. Thousands of colourful, inspiring, creative and passionate business owners from around the world follow me. My platform is inclusive and supportive. It’s vibrant and fun, collaborative, insightful. It’s packed with learning and positivity.
Oh, and obviously, I get lots of clients from it.
To be fair, I’m not sure if this place can actually exist online, but here’s what I do know:
Just like Field of Dreams. If I don’t build it, they won’t come. Or something like that, I’ve not seen it for years…
So, my advice is – work out what you actually want from social media. Once you know, it gives you something to work toward.
Tip #3: Stop going on about it and just do it
I’m certain almost everyone on the planet would agree that doing something is better than nothing. I was mostly doing nothing, or as good as.
When you look at it like that, it means that just doing one thing this week is 100% better than what you did last week. I like those kinds of sums.
Start there. Just one. You can do that can’t you?
Tip #4: Wee bonus tip I’ve just made up on the spot
I’m going to say this because I bet you never hear this advice:
Don’t worry about it. At the end of the day – nobody really cares.
I mean that with the biggest heart. OF COURSE, people care about you and your business.
What I mean is – if you post 20 times a day and have a following of 90,000, or you post twice a month and have a following of 100 – the only person that’s really looking at it critically is YOU.
Ease up on yourself. You’re doing bloody great as it is.
Safety in numbers
Feel like embarking on this journey with a pal? I’ll do it with you! Let’s motivate each other…
Join me on social to begin your social media sea change with me as we navigate the waves of building our audiences.
Sea Change Creative Content on Facebook
Instagram Sea Change Creative Content
And, if (like me most of the time) you have no idea what to post this week – send me an email and I’ll help you come up with some content ideas to get you started.
* In the short time it’s taken me to write this blog I’ve lost 3 followers on Instagram. And then 4 new people have joined me. Social media is a fickle beast and therefore the most important thing is that YOU get something out of the time you spend on it. Pride. Satisfaction. Comfort. Amusement. Whatever it is, post the good stuff, join in on the good stuff. One thing I do know – chasing the likes is a mug’s game.